Wednesday, April 30, 2008

ManMohan Singh (MMS) Lost His Only Quality Which I Liked About Him i.e. Honesty

Poor MMS what have you done,
You made fool of everyone.

I borrowed these lines from famous 60s song by The Beetles. I knew that MMS is weakest prime minister in history of independent India but I still thought that this poor fellow is honest among all the dirt and corrupts who surrounds him. But TR Balu episode opened my eyes about him. Here even Sonia Maino is not involved like in the case of Quattrochi. In Quattrochi case I have given him the benefit of doubt because he is the poor fellow who is guarding the PM chair for the crowned prince. He is just carrying out orders of Sonia Maino and those who know me know that Sonia Maino is not in my good books for various reasons which I already discussed in various other blogs.

Poor MMS episode has shifted the power of prime minister’s office to some Italian Mafia’s home. All ministers in his cabinet openly say that Rahul baba should be the prime minister. MMS is taking care of property of Rahul Baba like some bonded labor working on rich land lords land in his absence. Its like infamous Lalu Rabadi episode where Lalu made his 4th standard pass wife the chief minister of Bihar in his absence. In this case our MMS is some PhD from Oxford University, so you can expect some difference between him and Rabadi Devi.

With this TR Balu episode the corruption and nepotism is been granted sanction from highest authority of power in India. I can safely guess that in majority of the cases that has been going on through years but not so openly. Even if some minister was getting caught for doing corrupt practices, he was immediately removed to save the face in front of the public. This is for the first time that even after having so many open proofs against a minister and by his own admission, the prime minister is taking his side and saying he hasn’t done anything wrong. Well MMS I would like to ask you what you consider bad enough to be classified as wrong.

On the basis of similar theory as our recently corrupt MMS is propounding now we can say that if a father, who is working in government service takes bribe in the name of his son’s or daughter’s well being is also not doing any wrong. A traffic police man who is not doing his job by enforcing law and letting off the violators by having some bribe in name of his children is also not wrong. A judge who after taking bribe in name of his children for some wrong judgment delivers verdict in favor of the offender and criminal is also not wrong. A public servant after taking bribe in name of his children for giving contract of construction of a bridge to some corrupt contractor is also not wrong. This list can go on and on. So if everybody with kids can do some corruption by this new MMS rule then only people without kids cant do corruption but if they have some people to take care of like their parents they should be allowed to do some corruption. I would like to appeal MMS to amend his newly created rule for people who have dependants. So it will leave us with children under age of 16 who cant do any corruption but everyone else is allowed to do it.

I know he is not the highest authority but still the Prime Minister’s office is considered as that. The highest authority of power that is our Super PM, Italian lady has already shown that she can do anything to save Quattrochi from Indian Law authorities. So I don’t want to talk about her. But MMS was seen by many educated Indians as the one who is just weak but not corrupt. He has proven everybody wrong by sending 8 letters to petroleum ministry for asking favors for companies run by TR Balu’s son. Is this kind of India we all want? Is this kind of India all great patriots have given their life? That’s why I came to the conclusion that Congress party is root of all evils in India, it’s the cradle of corruption in India. This party feed corruption and sycophancy from its highest authority. Wake up Indians, wake up before its too late for doing right things. See the real face of this congress led govt which is a failure on all fronts.

They are some bunch of corrupts who don’t think about common good of masses. They cant think for common masses because they themselves are not common. They all belong to some wealthy families and havent known what the hungry stomach feels like. They don’t know when you don’t get the clean drinking water because they are drinking packaged Bisleri water. They don’t know when common Indians on street don’t have anything to cover him up in cold nights because they have turned on their heaters. They live on us honest taxpayers money like parasites and favor their families over everything. This congress culture of sycophancy is not allowing honest people to join politics in India as they feel its of no use to dirty your hands. You have to be a criminal or a history sheeted person to join the politics in India. Indian voters havent been given right choices. If persons who win elections because of their qualities and not some caste and religion joined the assemblies and parliament of India, we all would have been living in a heaven.

Sadly this is not the case that’s why we Indians have to be pivot of that change where this type of corruption from its highest authority shouldn’t be tolerated. Wake up, wake up before its too late.. May God direct our intellect in right direction.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind
Hemant Dubey

Monday, April 28, 2008

Who Would Be The Best Prime Minister For Resurgent India?

I know there are about 100 million answers for this question. Why 100 million? Because I think that as of now these many are the number of citizens in India, who actually thinks about candidate for Prime Minister's post, before casting their vote for the LokSabha election. There are about 670 million voters in India. In majority of the general elections the voting percentage was around 60%. So the actual number of people who are voting comes down to approximately 400 million. My guess is out of this 400 millions, majority (approximately 75%) of the voting is done on the basis of caste, creed, regional and religious lines. It leaves us with 25% or 100 million of voters, who actually vote for keeping country's development and its long term needs in mind. These voters vote for different parties as per their preferences.

This figure just shows how much diversity we have in India in terms of opinions. So you can understand how difficult it is for anyone to suggest name for the prime minister's post of India. Well I also hold that dream near to my heart. But it's a dream and you can have anything that you covet, in your dreams.

In my view presently, there are really few candidates who have the caliber of taking this responsibility of "serving" people of India in meaningful ways. India is really waiting on threshold for becoming a major player in world once again. So the person who is going to take up this job must capable of tackling domestic and international situations pretty well.

The major problems that we have in India now are corruption of government employees and law enforcement agencies, criminalization of politics, non availability of good primary education for all citizens, non availability of basic infrastructure like roads, electricity and clean drinking water to majority, universal healthcare, lack of morality in ordinary citizens, unemployment, regionalism, terrorism in its all forms, social evils like castism and killing of female feticide, communal violence, pollution. Major challenges that any Indian prime minister has to face on international level are energy security for a billion plus population, rise and rise of China, relations with neighboring countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka, keeping India attractive for FDI in lots of sectors, permanent membership of the security council of UN just to name a few.

You can see that this is a huge responsibility. The above said responsibilities require uncompromising honesty and strength of character to deliver. In my view everything delivers from top to bottom as the old saying in Sanskrit goes " Yatha Raja Tatha Praja" means the way of the king is the way of the common citizen. If the person at top promotes wrong things then the common citizen also will not care about the wrongs on fellow countrymen.

The person who is going to be entrusted with this job has to perform or the country will perish as I see China as the biggest danger for India. Pakistan with its new government in place is less likely to hurt India's interest in a big way. Chinese economy right now is three times of India's economy on GDP basis. China and India have same needs and same problems to address on international level. The communists in China are practical and patriots who are doing their best to serve their country's interest. This is an unheard of communist anywhere else in the world. Just have a look at our own communists and you will find that likes of Karats, Buddhadebs, Yechuris and Bardhans are most unpractical and biggest traitors as of today in India. They talk as if they live and eat in China and create trouble in progress of their own country's interest. Anyways that's altogether a different topic of debate.

So as per me the few candidates who can take up this job are Mayawati, Narendra Modi , Jayalalita, Rahul or Priyanka Gandhi, Chandrababu Naidu and Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, P A Sangma and Omar Abdullah. The likes of Lalus, Sharad Pawars, Mulayams and Devegowdas are so corrupt to the neck and narrow minded that its blasphemous to even think about them as candidates for prime minister's post. I will discuss each one in detail and then select my preference for this post. I know that I am nobody but its still democracy in India (Congress Party leaders want it to be a family run business like you can see with definition of Yuvraj and Rajmata) and I have my rights to voice my opinion. I would first go for Buddhadeb and see how this Marxist-Capitalist veteran fares on the criteria.

I don't like communists as I see them as biggest hypocrites and danger to national unity. Communists trace their ideology to something outside national boundaries and this type of political thoughts can never be in any country's interest. People of Nepal will soon realize what mistake they have made by giving majority to Marxists. People of West Bengal are realizing it now since they are seeing with their own eyes that 30 years of Marxist rule haven't turned their state into a paradise in India. I can reject Buddhadeb simply for this reason because communists feed dogma to the masses and keep control of power in very few hands. They destroy national fabric from inside and are known to be dangerous virus for any nation's wellbeing. Buddhadeb failed on both the crucial tests of human rights and secularism. His government forced Taslima Nasreen to leave India like an animal. His government actively supported killing of men, women and children of NandiGram in West Bengal. He made worst statement of paying back his fellow countrymen in their own coin. It was like as if people of NandiGram are imperialist US citizens and this communist has to destroy them all. His party actively supports China's interest over India and that's why he and his party cant do any good for India. Communists are worst internal enemies of India. The sooner Indians get rid of this cancer called communists the better its for India.

Now I will analyze chances of Omar Abdullah, ChandraBabu Naidu and Jayalalita. I have kept them together as all of them have a similar character. They all represent a regional outfit. Since they represent a regional outfit they try to keep interests of their own state above the national interest. Which is not good for India as a whole but they are good leaders who have some positive attributes to them. Omar Abdullah talked sense when he was made minister in NDA government. I think he understands the situation of Kashmir and India very well. He is young and energetic and he has a great future. Same is the case with Chandra Babu Naidu. He is known as development man and propagated some good schemes when he was chief minister of Andhra Pradesh. Jayalalita with all her flaws of extravagances now keeps national interest in mind. She is not averse to Hindi as a language like her other so called Dravida counterparts. I was reluctant to keep her name in this because of corruption charges against her. But I was surprise that this DMK government is not been able to prove a single charge against her. All these three leaders have to remold themselves as national leaders. This thing can only be done only after they decide to dilute their regional identities a little bit and reach to the whole nation. They have their chances with some big national parties but unless they start thinking on national lines and stop fighting on petty regional issues of language, regional identities and national resources like water, they wont fit the bill of becoming prime ministerial material.

Mr P. A. Sangma can be a good candidate for prime minister's post. He is from worst neglected part of India. As far as I can see his track record he is an honest person. He is in national politics for too long to understand the importance of idea of India. He only lacks one thing which is being a strong orator and charismatic leader, who can capture imagination of masses. I liked when he stood up to say that he wont accept a foreigner as a prime minister of India as he stood up for a principle. I wish him good luck for his future.

Maya is real and its her mayajaal which has given UP its one party government after so many years. Mayawati is strong and ruthless leader but she has a little tendency of self glorification and corruption. I credit her with biggest transformation in India which is of dalit self respect. She doesn't believe in asking for the rights but grabbing it from the jaws of impossibility. Earlier she has too much castiest element to even think about her as candidate for prime minister's post. But now she is showing signs of maturity and beating every party in their own game. She might not have given many things to dalits except some Ambedkar Grams and parks but she has given them the thing which no party except RSS was able to provide i.e. self respect. She is the symbol of self respect for dalits. She is one of them who has snatched their rights from all powerful elements. She is showing signs of political maturity and defending her turf against all odds. I must admit that she is good in managing political equations but I am not too sure about her capabilities in leading new and resurgent India on global level. She doesn't have good economic sense and public policies which affects life of the masses. She is too busy in protecting her life and inauguration of Ambedkar parks and Grams to care about the whole nation. I think she needs more time to focus beyond casts and to think about every citizen of India. Her interests are best with BJP as she and congress are fighting for same thing.

Now its turn of King clan of Nehru and Gandhi. I don't have anything against Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi. They are born Indians and they have every right to be prime minister of India. I would feel a lot of pain if Sonia Maino is chosen for that post as that would be against my self respect as an Indian. I oppose Sonia Maino as there are so many reasons behind it. Please refer to my other blog for the same. Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi have matured over the years. Crowned Prince Rahul Baba is still on tour to discover India where he was born 40 years ago. He is young but doesn't have control on his oratorical skills. I have heard his speeches and I can say that I am not impressed. He seems to be short on new ideas and too much controlled by sycophants to think a little free. He had his chance in these last four years but he is been unable to leave a impression anywhere. He campaigned for Congress in so many state elections and Congress lost all major states to opposition parties. I would have loved to see his reaction on OBC quota in higher educational institutions and other national issues like terrorism and price rise. But he is too busy in toppling Mayawati from UP to think anything else. He has chosen a wrong target in Mayawati. He burnt his fingers with Narendra Modi but it seems never learnt the lesson of being a warrior for lost cause. It would have been better for him to concentrate more in south India as Dalits have seen that Congress and its King clan havent done anything for them in past 50 years except lip service. This king clan is too aristocrat to understand pain of real "Aam Admi". Electronic media is friendly to this king clan and even give coverage to his every small stunt but they don't realize that now majority of Indian public is smart enough to understand difference between fake and real sympathizer.

On the contrary Priyanka Gandhi has a substance to connect to Indian public. She connects well but she is sitting outside these days and coming just to play some character role in this big political drama. Like her illegal jail visit to Nalini of which no records were kept. To bring some sympathy for the crimes their ancestors have committed and got deadly results. I don't know why they harp on Nahru Gandhi legacy even though this clan is responsible for various problems in India. I personally don't like congress and its leaders as this party has destroyed India's national fabric and kept it illiterate for so many years that we are facing all this mess now. Please refer to my earlier blog for this. Anyways in comparison to Rahul Baba Priyanka Gandhi has much more potential. I don't know why she is been kept outside of party's work and Rahul is being projected as leader even though he doesn't have anything credible to show. If this was the case with any other person in India, the media would have made cries ranging from gender equality to women empowerment. Anyways its King Clan's family business and I think both Rahul and Priyanka need more time to think about in which direction they would like to go. Priyanka Gandhi can be a good prime minister candidate after some time but she needs to break herself from that sycophant circle of congress. I wish her good luck.

All the above names till now has one or many flaws which according to me, makes them less suited for the prime minister’s post as of now. But if there is someone in India who, in my point of view, can change fortunes of Indian people like he changed for his home state, I must admit he is Narendra Damodarbhai Modi. He is perfect candidate for the post of prime minister of India. Those who are reading my blogs and those who know me a bit since past, may be knowing that I am a patriot. I wear my patriotism on my sleeves. A patriotic mind instantly strikes a cord with me. I consider myself as an Indian first and then anything else. I don’t belong to any state of India but I feel every nanometer of India as my homeland and sacred place. I have lived my life till now in many states of India. I have not been in southern and north eastern part but I have friends from there and I read a lot to keep a check on those areas. So I can safely say that I know a bit about those places too.
Why this all babbling about me? Well I am just giving you background of the things which I am going to say. After my college I got my job in Gujarat. Its been five years for me over there and I have fallen in love with the city of Baroda. Its small yet cosmopolitan and you can get any luxury of the world there.

I have traveled in other parts of the Gujarat and seen the things first hand. As I have told you that I have been to many states in India but Gujarat beat every other of them fair and square in terms of infrastructure, drinking water, power supply and quality of life. I have seen women walking on street as late as 3 AM in night and that says a lot about secure environment that people enjoy in Gujarat as compare to other states. This effect is largely due to effort of Mr Modi. The way he is handling the Sardar Sarovar and many other hugely successful schemes like Beti Bachao Andolan , Jyoti Gram Yojana, VanBandhu Yojna speaks a lot about the man’s character. He is setting a new standard for good governance and honesty in public life.

Most interesting aspect of his personality was visible in recently concluded Gujarat Assembly election in 2007. It was for the first time anywhere in India a Chief Minister has been voted back to power solely on the basis of his performance for good governance. I keenly watched the outcome and knew that he will win as I know Gujarati people well. I watched with happiness the tight democratic slap people of Gujarat has given to five star activists and unpatriotic foreign funded NGOs. For the first time in India he made people vote for him irrespective of caste, creed and religion. Saurashtra region of Gujarat, of which many idiot analysts were thinking to be a Waterloo for Modi, he overcame all odds and shown that sincerity, honesty and hard work pays in Indian politics. It was the one of the most defining moment in Indian democracy. I was sure about his win but that would be such a big win in all aspects made me walk over the moon. His reelection proves many points about Indian people. They are yearning for a strong leader who can show them the real progress and wont care about casts and religion while voting for such a candidate.

He has not allowed even his siblings to take advantage of his position as a chief minister. I heard his niece saying on a news channel that despite having a B Ed degree she doesn’t have a good job like many other struggling middle class families. Can you believe it that in India there is a Chief Minister who is not allowing his own family to take a little advantage like this. When I heard that I immediately knew that Naredra Modi is the man of the moment. The way he connects himself to the audience in meetings and functions, the way he answers all difficult questions thrown at him, the way he promotes honesty and good governance says a lot about him. He is in public eyes for too long to do any mistake. He is been wrongly demonized by english speaking elite media who doesn’t give a ear to victims of Nandigram, Kahmiri Pandits, North east India and Marxists violence in Kerala.

There is a Shayari which I say quite often to many people. It goes like..
“ Daman Agar Saaf Hai . To Khas Ahatiyat Rakh..
Isse Jara Sa Bhi Daag, Chhupaya Na Jayega..”

It means that if your character is good then you have to really really careful to not to do even a small mistake because even a small black spot is clearly visible on a perfect white sheet. His enemies are waiting for their chance to take the revenge. Narendra Bhai Modi has shown earth to all the enemies till now. I hope that he remains as honest as he is now and promote the good governance like the way he is doing in Gujarat. He is bringing power to the people and doing a lot for them. He has millions of fans including me all around India who see him as the last hope for a turn around for good in India’s future.

You have to be in Gujarat to see the progress of a state under a honest and hard working chief minister. The state of Gujarat can be a role model for other states to emulate in India. Narendra Bhai Modi, you have my vote for the post of prime minister, and I hope that this tribe will go on increasing in India. I have found a real life hero in politics who is setting the bar for politicians so high in India that it would be really difficult for others to keep up with him unless they emulate his honesty and hardworking attitude.

For me Narendra Damodardas Modi is the best bet for prime minister’s post and I hope that he keep his standards high and wont let anybody question his integrity and honesty and continue to deliver good governance to people.

Vande Mataram
Jai Hind